
Steps also known as Stepper, is an indicator for the steps in a workflow. Layout of steps component is optimized for responsive design.

import { Steps } from 'primereact/steps';

Steps requires a collection of menuitems as its model.

<Steps model={items} />

In order to add interactivity to the component, disable readOnly and use a binding to activeIndex along with onSelect to control the Steps.

<Toast ref={toast}></Toast>
<Steps model={items} activeIndex={activeIndex} onSelect={(e) => setActiveIndex(e.index)} readOnly={false} />

Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit theming page.

p-stepsContainer element.
p-steps-itemMenuitem element.
p-steps-numberNumber of menuitem.
p-steps-titleLabel of menuitem.
Accessibility guide documents the specification of this component based on WCAG guidelines, the implementation is in progress.

Screen Reader

Steps component uses the nav element and since any attribute is passed to the root implicitly aria-labelledby or aria-label can be used to describe the component. Inside an ordered list is used where the current step item defines aria-current as "step".

Keyboard Support

tabAdds focus to the active step when focus moves in to the component, if there is already a focused tab header then moves the focus out of the component based on the page tab sequence.
enterActivates the focused step if readonly is not enabled.
spaceActivates the focused step if readonly is not enabled.
right arrowMoves focus to the next step if readonly is not enabled.
left arrowMoves focus to the previous step if readonly is not enabled.
homeMoves focus to the first step if readonly is not enabled.
endMoves focus to the last step if readonly is not enabled.